National Heritage week 14th - 22nd August

National Heritage Week taking place across Ireland from Saturday 14th August to Sunday 22nd August,
Ballyhoura Country is marking this vibrant celebration of Ireland’s culture with a jam-packed schedule of free events celebrating the region’s history, art, heritage and biodiversity. With a range of indoor and outdoor activities–plenty of them family-oriented for those on staycations–there is something to pique everyone’s interest in the beautiful Golden Vale of Munster. From JFK to Éamon de Valera, it’s safe to say that Ballyhoura’s rich connection to the past is everywhere you look.
Bruff is a town rich in local heritage and culture, and is also the ancestral home of the famous Fitzgerald Kennedy clan. To dive deeper into the town’s story, local renowned historian Tommy Meany is hosting a Walking Heritage Tour of Bruff on Tuesday 177th August at 7.30pm, in which he will engage, beguile and educate his audience with facts, folklore and lots of interesting anecdotes! It starts and finishes at the Church of Ireland, beside Morning Star River.
On Thursday 19th August, Ruairí Ó Conchúir (LAWPRO) will lead a Walk and Talk on the Morning Star River at 7.30pm. The event, Water Is Life, will focus on the themes of local biodiversity, water quality and how to support your local river. This family-friendly event will include an exploration of instream and riparian (riverbank) biodiversity and will include kick sampling of macro-invertebrates, and a discussion on the habitat enhancement plans for the Morning Star.
This is followed by a 9pm Walk and Talk by Maurice Lyons about bats, and how to identify them. Booking for all Bruff events is via email or DM to Bruff Community Page on Facebook.
Going back further in the mists of time, the ‘enchanted’ Lough Gur –a horseshoe-shaped lake bounded on three sides by hills, is home to Gearóid Iarla, who was banished to the bottom of the lake by the goddess Áine, returning once every seven years to try to break the curse. There’s FREE entry to the Lough Gur Visitor Centre Exhibition on 14th & 15th August, where you can find out more about the area’s rich folklore and wealth of archaeology.
Another free event in collaboration with LAWPRO will be an exploration of the Biodiversity of Lough Gur; this takes place at 11am on Wed 18th August and booking is HERE. Come explore the biodiversity of this amazing site where Lough Gur rests between the two large wetland areas associated with the lake, the Lake Bog to the south-east and Red Bog to the south and the surrounding hills. The event will outline the importance of Lough Gur in terms of biodiversity and habitat type. Participants will be led on a voyage of discovery through the site and children will be encouraged to become nature detectives. They will learn about, and discover, shoreline biodiversity and pond dipping and Leave No Trace. Bring footwear and clothing appropriate for the weather and the site conditions. Free refreshments after the event.
If Kilmallock’s walls could talk, they’d surely have some intriguing tales to tell! The Norman castle dates from 1206, but nearby Neolithic house ruins, were built by locals some 5,000 years ago! This historically-rich medieval town was a major centre for religion, trade and commerce, as well as the political stronghold of the Earls of Desmond. Many medieval buildings survive, creating a unique urban landscape.
On Wednesday 18th August, kids and families are being encouraged to drop the devices, jump off the couch and get outdoors to explore the heritage in the Kilmallock locality for Wild Child Day! On Wednesday 21st August between 3-5 pm, Deebert House Hotel will be hosting a Family Heritage Hunt exploring the walks and heritage around Kilmallock. Prizes and ice-cream on the day for all taking part. To book all Kilmallock events, contact Margaret in Deebert House Hotel on 063-31200.
On Thursday 19th August, Kilmallock Tourism will organise a Walking Tour of Kilmallock at 7pm, taking you on the Priory Walk, the West Wall Walk and all the main heritage sites that this historic town has to offer; it will start from King’s Castle at 7pm. 

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Địa chỉ

The Old Bank B&B,
Main St,
Co. Limerick,
V35 H744,

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00353 61 389969


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00353 61 389969

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