Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy Autumn School 2023

The Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy Autumn School is back again this year from the 27th-29th Oct. 2023 with a huge array of guests and speakers on the programme. To honour the 60th anniversary of JFK's visit to Limerick, 


FRIDAY 27th October 7.30pm: Venue: Thomas Fitzgerald Centre

Formal Opening by Mayor Gerald Mitchell Opening with remarks from Declan Hehir Director of Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy Autumn School Universal
Emigration Story: Reflections - Her Excellency Larysa Gerasko, Ukrainian Ambassador to Ireland
From Emigrant Remittances to Foreign Investment - Prof Stephen Kinsella Moderator: Tim O’Connor
8pm: 3 One-Act Plays by Lough Gur Amateur Dramatic Society Venue: Honey Fitz Theatre, The Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy Autumn School is delighted to have Lough Gur Drama group on board for this years school and a visit to Honey Fitz Theatre for a great night of entertainment is recommended
SATURDAY 28th October
1pm: The Story of President Kennedy’s visit to Limerick and Mayor Frances Condell, 1963 - Drs Matthew Potter and William O’Neill Moderator: Kate Harrold, Lough Gur Manager Venue: Lough Gur Visitor Centre ------------------

U.S. Ambassador to visit Bruff!

A massive evening will take place in the Fitzgerald Centre as the U.S. Ambassador, Claire D. Cronin, arrives to talk to the people of Bruff and beyond. Ms. Cronin is the granddaughter of an Irish immigrant and will speak on the emigration of Irish people to America among other items. The ambassador arrived in Ireland last year, appointed by President Joe Biden, and has had a major impact during her time here. Previously, she was the first female House Majority leader of Massachusetts in history. T Attendance to all events will be through Eventbrite so book immediately when it comes online. Keep an eye here for the other big names coming to Bruff in October.

'The Story of JFK Visit to Limerick and Mayor Frances Condell 1963.'

SUNDAY 29th October
11am: Fitzers Family Breakfast OLD IRISH WAYS MUSEUM, CAHERGUILLAMORE, V35 X236
1pm: LOUGH GUR VISITOR CENTRE -The Homecoming Pull
Dr Pat Wallace-  JFK: Giant At My Shoulder
Frank Prendergast - Small Step for Lough Gur, Giant Leap for JFK
Moderator: Tim O’Connor 
Identities - Over & Back
Maureen Browne – If Thomas, Mary Fitzgerald and Michael Hannon hadn’t emigrated
Dr Liam Chambers – The Wild Geese
Peadar Ó Riada – Sean Ó Riada’s Bruff Connection
Moderator: Pat Hayes 
Maureen Browne is a hugely accomplished journalist and editor. Hailing from Bruff originally, Maureen will speak on the subject of what would have happened if JFK's ancestors had not left Bruff for the New World in the 1850s. What would have become of them, the Irish diaspora and US-Irish links? Maureen was a senior reporter for the Irish Press, having begun her career in the Limerick Leader as the first ever female journalist in that paper. Today, she is the editor of 'Health Manager' and the Managing Editor of 'The Consultant' whilst also leading her own PR company, Hartcliffe Communications. Nominated this year for the Irish Healthcare Award and a finalist in this year's Irish Women's Awards, Maureen will offer a deep insight into the possibilities of what would have happened the Fitzgerald and Kennedy families if their ancestors had not left our native place.
Advance tickets will be available on Eventbrite this weekend for the Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy Autumn School.More details to follow 


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Địa chỉ

The Old Bank B&B,
Main St,
Co. Limerick,
V35 H744,

Điện Thoại

00353 61 389969


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00353 61 389969

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