Local Santa Experiences

If your looking to bring your kids to meet the man himself, both these Santas will pass the beard pulling test , which will add to the magic of your visit.  
Santa Wonderland takes place at the old School house Grange.  There will be great excitement from Saturday 3rd December, when he is in residence; this is where Santa Claus will sleep for the remainder of the weekend nights before his epic travels around the world on Christmas Eve. Come and see his Igloo and Elves’ Workshop, arctic animals, post your letter, chat with him; you’ll get to see Santa’s Bedroom!! Theres'smulled wine for adults and  delicious hot chocolate for kids while Mrs Claus and various naughty elves will keep you entertained with their story-telling.
A visit to Santa at Lough Gur starts when you arrive to register at Santa’s winter retreat at Loughgur’s Heritage Centre. Here you will get to meet Mrs Claus, and her helpers and have an opportunity to take some photos, see her beautiful kitchen and maybe even get to hear some funny stories of Santa. Each child will then meet Santa himself where they will be enthralled by stories and chat. You can be sure that he will pass the beard pulling test as he is, of course the real deal as verified by our younger visitors from previous years. Every child will receive a gift from Santa before they leave.
Sensory Morning Saturday December 3rd 9:00am to 11.00am. This morning is specifically only for families with children sensory needs. 

Liên Hệ

Địa chỉ

The Old Bank B&B,
Main St,
Co. Limerick,
V35 H744,

Điện Thoại

00353 61 389969



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Gọi Chúng Tôi

00353 61 389969

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