The bed and breakfast concept has existed since the beginning of man. Although they were not officially called ‘bed and breakfasts’, back in the 20th Century, monasteries and private houses provided a bed for the night and a breakfast in the morning for travellers passing through. It was in England, Scotland and Ireland that the term ‘B&B’ first came into use.
The history of the Irish B&B has evolved over the years, but the concept has remained the same. The fundamental differences been that a B&B is ran by one person, in a family home and the evening reception desk opening times are 3 hours daily in comparison to a Hotels many staff, departments and their reception desk been open 16- 24 hours daily.
Each B&B, chooses a time they must maintain daily been either 3 to 6pm, 4 to 7pm or 5 to 8pm
Today, a Bed and Breakfast in Ireland is not viewed as just a convenient lodging facility but as an attractive alternative to the standard hotel room.
Our Core mission
To provide the quality and comfort found in any Four Star B&B, Guesthouse or Boutique Hotel Guest-rooms
But with exceptional value for money of a much smaller Family ran Home through Fair and Honest Pricing.
- We offer cheaper rates and discounts for multiple nights stayed when guests choose to book directly over commission added third party websites.
- We maintain lower prices by only accepting bank issued cards and not company reward cards that cost 3 times more to transact to avoid inflating prices to all.
- We offer Room Only rates and Breakfast rates - to allow guests choose what best suits their itineraries and budgets.
Our home formerly an AIB Bank contributed significantly to the commercial life of Bruff and our wish to revive this beautiful building, was the beginning of bringing visitors from around the world
- To enrich our local community, leading to economic growth and job creation
- Promotion of local heritage
To enhance and maintain family life as a Family Home
Our daily closed period, arrival times, and therefore our pricing model are to best suit our young families' commitments, run errands and to accommodate as many guests as possible who wish to maximise their touring day or guests who need to finish their working day and travel to our home.
To show mutual respect & caring for our staff, our local suppliers, and our guests.
We are well aware of the importance of supporting mental health, and well-being, and while we know that the tourism industry is a challenging environment to work in and with long working days- we know that we can work together
To be mindful, with continued investment in Leaner & Greener Environmental initiates
to reduce our carbon footprint and maintain our leaner pricing model through monthly monitoring and implemting the following
- Our Support Local purchasing policy ensures suppliers are sourced locally to support our local economy
- Rainwater harvesting for showers and toilets
- Lennon Outdoor Laundry Room
- We have a towel reuse program in each of our bedrooms
- Electric sensors and timers, and in room electric activation cards
- Replacement of single use toiletries to large refillable units
- Removal of plastic water bottles in Guestroom to glass refillable bottles
- Provision of recycling bins in all Guest rooms and kitchens ensures all waste is segregated into recyclable and non recyclable, to reduce waste going to landfill
- Replacing all single use batteries with rechargeable batteries
- We are supporters of the principles of Leave No Trace
Leave No Trace Ireland is a network of organisations and individuals with an interest in promoting the responsible recreational use of the outdoors. As increasing numbers of people seek the beauty and exhilaration of outdoor recreation, our collective mark on the environment and its natural processes, increases. At the heart of Leave No Trace are seven principles for reducing the damage caused by outdoor activities.
These are:
• Plan Ahead and Prepare
• Be Considerate of Others
• Respect Farm Animals and Wildlife
• Travel and Camp on Durable Ground
• Leave What You Find
• Dispose of Waste Properly
• Minimise the Effects of Fire
To learn more about the Leave No Trace programme, click here
The Old Bank B&B,
Main St,
Co. Limerick,
V35 H744,
00353 61 389969